Five Primary Factors About How an After-Hour Mobile Locksmith Service Can Benefit Your Business

Five Primary Factors About How an After-Hours Mobile Locksmith Service Can Benefit Your Business

Whether you run a 24-hour operation or your business has valuable equipment that needs to be kept under lock and key, having a locksmith available day and night makes for sound business practice.


Not only can the advice of a good mobile locksmith significantly reduce the chances of break-ins or other security problems, you can rest assured that a qualified locksmith can be at your business premises in a matter of minutes should any problems arise.


Here are just a few of the ways an after-hours locksmith can benefit your business:

Always Available

As most break-ins and thefts occur at night, it is essential to have a locksmith service that is available around the clock. Mobile locksmith services will be available to answer your call at any hour of the day and will be available immediately to secure your premises. After-hours locksmith services are also essential for businesses that operate around the clock or where employees need to access the premises at unsociable hours. Even something as simple as a lost key could seriously damage productivity, so it is good to have a locksmith on hand to solve any problems.

Speedy Service

If your business is located in an urban area you should expect a fast and efficient service from your after-hours locksmith, arriving at your premises within 15-30 minutes of your call. Emergency locksmith in Perth can significantly save on costs and further damage by ensuring your premises is secured as quickly as possible after a break-in.

Employee access

It is a fact of business life that employees will sometimes lose or forget their keys, accidentally locking themselves out of the premises. At best this might mean a few lost hours of productivity, while it could potentially lead to dissatisfied customers and loss of business. The services of a good mobile locksmith will ensure that loss of productivity in this situation is kept to a minimum, usually helping your employee gain access to the building in less than an hour. Your locksmith can also advise you on restricted master key systems, so you can control who goes where in your premises.

Knowledge and Resources

A good after-hours locksmith will call to examine your business premises even before their first call-out to familiarise themselves with your locks and security systems and advise on any potential weak spots that might exist. Not only does this give them a chance to check locks, safes, doors and windows, they will also familiarize with your entire premises so they are fully equipped for any future call-outs.

Consultation and Advice

In the unlikely event that a break-in does occur on your premises, your emergency locksmith will follow up with advice on preventing any further security breaches. Whether they simply need to provide you with copies of keys or need to change the locks throughout the premises, your mobile locksmith will future-proof your business’ security as efficiently and cheaply as possible.

At Action Lock Service, our mission is to ensure our business clients are safe in the knowledge that their premises’ security is being looked after by the very best. Call us today on 1300 679 979 to find out more about how we can keep your business safe.